You’ll Be Taking My Private Markovich Plane

I’ve determined there are at least three people named Jeremy Markovich on Earth. One is me. One is some guy in California. And one is fictional.

Someone out there on the interweb decided to write a novel online. It’s romantic. It’s for young adults. It’s about a girl whose mother dies. She decides to take off to an exotic place to find herself. She does so with the help and blessing of her filthy rich father. Her father’s name? Jeremy Markovich.
Among my favorite quotes:
  • “Pa, you’re Jeremy Markovich, most handsome CEO ever before his time.”
  • “Since this is alot of money, you’ll be taking my private Markovich plane.”
  • “Elliot got his own suite at the hotel, thanks to Jeremy Markovich.”
I cannot tell you how flattered I am.

The novel itself is incomplete. But I am gripped. For one thing, I would like to know how I got so much money. I would also like to know how I started Markovich Industries. And then I would like to know how I can make this all possible for me in real life.

As for the name, I wrote the author, a 13-year-old named SmileyRose. She said her best friend’s last name is Markovich. Her dog’s name is Jeremy. She assures me she means no offense.

I’ve read the first two chapters. It could use a little editing. But the story is starting to develop. And at least it seems like my fictional daughter has her head together. Good parenting, I say.

I’ll read the rest of the story when it comes out. But SmileyRose, if you’re still writing, I have only one request.

Make me tall.

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